субота, 12. март 2016.
среда, 24. фебруар 2016.
Giveaway+ DIY Sveska i blokčići
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite svesku i dva blogčića. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i izvinjavamo se što nismo juče izbacili ovaj post.
- Za ovaj giveaway će mo vam pokloniti narukvicu.
- Ako želite da se prijavite za ovaj giveaway ono što treba da uradite jeste da pratite ovaj blog i da komentarisite ovaj post i naredne postove do proglašenja uz (#diygiveaway).
- Pobednik će biti proglašen za mesec dana.
- Giveaway vazi samo za Srbiju.
Potrebno: ukrasna selotejp traka, dva blokčića, jedna sveska, makaze i marker.
A)DIY Blokčić 1
1. Prvi blokčić oblozite plavom i srebrnom selotejp trakom (koso) kao što smo mi uradili na slici ispod.
2. Kada izlepite ceo blokčić na srebrnoj traci velikim slovima napisite DIY jadan za drugim kao što smo mi uradili.
B) DIY Blokčić 2
1. Drugi blokčić obložite zelenom i crvenom selotejp trakom, ali ovaj blokčić će te obloziti horizontalno i to je to, a ako želite možete i na njemu nesto naposati, ali mi smo ga ostavili bez natpisa.
C) DIY Sveska
1. Isto kao i blokčiće svesku će te obloziti rozom i žutom selotejp trakom (koso).
2. Kada to završite markerom na sredini napišite veliko DIY i , a zatim na žutoj selotejp traci napisite Diy jedan za drugim kao sto smo mi uradili (naravno nemorate i vi pisati DIY nego napisite sta god vi želite).
Hi guys !!!
In today's post, you can see how to decorate a notebook and two journals.
- For this giveaway, we will give you a BRACELLI
- If you want to sign up for this giveaway what you need to do is to follow this blog and to comment on this post and next posts which are going to be uploaded before telling who won with giveaway (#diygiweavay).
- The winner will be picked in a month.
- Giveaway is only for Serbia.
Requires: Decorative adhesive tape, two journals, a notebook, scissors and marker.
A) Small DIY journal 1
1. The first journal cover with blue and silver scotch tape (aslope) as we did in the image below.
2. When cover up the whole journal, write on a silver tape in capital letters DIY as we did.
B) Small DIY journal 2
1. The second journal cover and green and red scotch tape, but you will cover this journal horizontally and that's it, and if you want you can also write something on it, but we've left it with no letters.
C) DIY notebook
1. Same as journal, the notebook cover in pink and yellow scotch tape (aslope).
2. When you finish, write with a marker DIY, and then on the yellow tape write DIY like we did (you dont have to write DIY, you can write whatever you want).
That's all for today's post we hope you enjoyed it and if so, be sure to comment and +1 and sign up for giveaway.
недеља, 21. фебруар 2016.
DIY Raspored casova
Zdravo svima!!!
Dobro došli u novi post, imaćete priliku da vidite kako na jednostavan način da napravite raspored časova .
U narednom postu imaćete priliku da učestvujete u prvom GIVEAWEY-U,i da osvojite nagradu!
Naredni post izlazi u utorak ,i sve što je potrebno da bi osvojili nagradu pisaće u narednom postu.KOMENTARISITE,DODAJTE +1 OVOM POSTU.
Google + - DIY M&I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M&I
Facebook - DIY for M&I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
1. Iseći filc u obliku pravugaonika .
2. Uzeti papiriće po želji i zalepiti ih kao na slici.
3. Popuniti polja ,potom i sve zalepiti i to je to!!!
Hi guys !!!
Welcome to a new post, you will have the opportunity to see how to make a class schedule.
In the next post you will have the opportunity to participate in the first GIVEAWEY, and win a prize!
The next post comes out on Tuesday, and we will write everything you need to do to win the award in the next post.COMMENT, ADD +1 to this post.
Google + - DIY M & I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M & I
Facebook - DIY for M & I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
1.Cut the felt in the form of a rectangle.
2.Take pieces of paper and stick them as we did in the picture.
3.Fill in the fields, then stick it and that's it !!!
We hope that you liked it!
Hi guys !!!
Welcome to a new post, you will have the opportunity to see how to make a class schedule.
In the next post you will have the opportunity to participate in the first GIVEAWEY, and win a prize!
The next post comes out on Tuesday, and we will write everything you need to do to win the award in the next post.COMMENT, ADD +1 to this post.
Google + - DIY M & I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M & I
Facebook - DIY for M & I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
1.Cut the felt in the form of a rectangle.
2.Take pieces of paper and stick them as we did in the picture.
3.Fill in the fields, then stick it and that's it !!!
We hope that you liked it!
четвртак, 18. фебруар 2016.
DIY Popsuda za punjenje telefona i ukrasna kesa za rođendane
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete da napravite ukrasnu kesu za rodjendane i posudu za punjenje telefona. Ispod teksta je i video sa dosta slika koji moze da vam pomogne da je napravite.
Potrebno: Hamer A4, lepak, msinica koja bisinmale rupe (neznamo kako se tacno zove), olovka, lenjir, debeo kanap, telefon i punjač.
A) DIY Ulrasna kesa za rodjendane.
1. Savite gornju stranu 4 cm (možete je zalepiti a i ne morate).
2. Odredite sredinu i povucite uspravnu liniju, a zatim povucite jos dve linije 2 cm odvojene od linije u sredini.
3. Savite te papire jadan ka drugome tako da se spajaju oko 2 cm i zalepite ih.
4. Kada to uradite sa donje strane nacrtajte liniju 4,5 cm odvojenu od kraja papira.
5. Zatim to savite.
6. Sesti korak neumemo bas da vam objasnimo, ali pogledajte video i sve će vam biti jasno.
7. Kada uradite kao što je u kratkom videu prikazano izmerite 1 cm sa obe strane one linije na sredini.
8. Zatim ih savite (opet) jednu preko druge i zalepite.
9. Onda otvorite lepo kutiju odnosno kesu za rodjendane.
10. Zatim izbusite po dve rupe sa obe strane.
11. Odsecite dva kratka kanapceta i jedan deo prvog kanapceta ubacite u jednu rupu a drugi deo u drugu, a zatim vezite dva cvora. Isto to uradite i sa drugom stranom.
11. Odsecite dva kratka kanapceta i jedan deo prvog kanapceta ubacite u jednu rupu a drugi deo u drugu, a zatim vezite dva cvora. Isto to uradite i sa drugom stranom.
B) Posuda za punjenje telefona
Potrebno: plava tempera, ukrasna kesa za rodjendane, ukrasna selotejp traka (plava), sundjercic.
1. Urfite sve isto kao i gore.
2. Oboite celu kesu u plavo ili je napravite od plavog hamera.
3. Zalepite plavi selotejp kao okvir.
4. Probusite mali otvor sa donje strane ta punjač.
5. Na zid pored uticnice zalepite 4 mala kvadrata obostrane samolepljive trake.
6. Zatim zalepite kutiju za zid i punite telefon.
Nadamo se da vam se svideo ovaj post i ako jeste obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can create a decorative bag for birthdays and container to charge your phone. Below is the text and the video with a lot of pictures that can help you create it.
Requires: Hamer A4, glue, machine for puncturing circles (do not know how to accurately call it), pencil, ruler, thick rope, phone and charger.
A) DIY Decorative bag for birthdays.
1. Fold the top side 4 cm (you can stick it but you dont have to).
2. Set the middle and drag the vertical line, then drag two more lines of 2 cm separated from the line in the middle.
3. Fold the papers one to another to connect approximately 2 cm and stick them.
4. When you finish, draw a line on the bottom 4.5 cm which is separated form the end of paper..
5. Then fold that.
6. We cant explain sixt step but watch the video and you will understand everything.
7. When you do it as same as in short video, measure 1 cm on both sides of line in the middle.
8. Then fold it (again) over one another and stick it.
9. Then open bag for birthdays.
10. Then drill two holes on both sides.
11. Cut two short ropes and one part of the first rope insert into a hole and the other part to another hole, and then tie two nodes. Do the same with the other side.
B) Container for phone
Requires: blue acrylic paint, decorative bag for birthdays, decorative scotch tape (blue), foam-rubber.
1. Do all the same steps as before.
2. Color whole bag into blue or make it out of hamer A4.
3. Stick the blue tape as a frame.
4. Puncture a small hole on the bottom of the charger.
5. On the wall, next to the socket, stick 4 small squares of double sided adhesive tape.
6. Then tape the box to the wall and charge the phone.
We hope you enjoyed this post, and if so, be sure to comment and +1.
уторак, 16. фебруар 2016.
DIY Podmetač 2
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na veoma lak način da napravite i ukrasite podmetač za čašu. Iapod ovog teksta će biti i objašnjenje, ali i kratak video sa slikama.
Potrebno: Debeli kanap, Crveni flomaster ili lak i lepak.
1. Debeli kanap uvijati u krug do željene veličine.
2. Kada dobijete odgovarajuću veličinu zalepite kraj konopca za podmetač.
3. Od papira napravite oblik srca i stavite ga na sredinu.
4. Zatim oboite celo srce (na slici gde pise potrebno smo stavili i crni flomaster (ali ga nismo koristili), ali vi ga možete koristiti ako želite da opcrtate srce, ili ako zelite da na podmetač napisete neko slovo).
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post, you can see how youcan easily make and decorate a coaster.There will be an explanation under the text and the video with pictures.
Requires: thick twine, red marker or nail polish and glue.
1. Wrap the twine into a circle.
2. When you get the correct size, glue the end of the rope to the coaster.
3. From the paper make a heart shape and place it in the middle.
4. Then color whole heart (in the picture where it says we need to put the black marker (but we didnt use it), but you can also use it if you want to depict heart, or if you want to write a letter. If you liked this post be sure to comment and + 1.
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na veoma lak način da napravite i ukrasite podmetač za čašu. Iapod ovog teksta će biti i objašnjenje, ali i kratak video sa slikama.
Potrebno: Debeli kanap, Crveni flomaster ili lak i lepak.
1. Debeli kanap uvijati u krug do željene veličine.
2. Kada dobijete odgovarajuću veličinu zalepite kraj konopca za podmetač.
3. Od papira napravite oblik srca i stavite ga na sredinu.
4. Zatim oboite celo srce (na slici gde pise potrebno smo stavili i crni flomaster (ali ga nismo koristili), ali vi ga možete koristiti ako želite da opcrtate srce, ili ako zelite da na podmetač napisete neko slovo).
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post, you can see how youcan easily make and decorate a coaster.There will be an explanation under the text and the video with pictures.
Requires: thick twine, red marker or nail polish and glue.
1. Wrap the twine into a circle.
2. When you get the correct size, glue the end of the rope to the coaster.
3. From the paper make a heart shape and place it in the middle.
4. Then color whole heart (in the picture where it says we need to put the black marker (but we didnt use it), but you can also use it if you want to depict heart, or if you want to write a letter. If you liked this post be sure to comment and + 1.
петак, 12. фебруар 2016.
DIY Ukrasni srcici (za dan zaljubljenih)
Zdravo ljudi !!!
Dobro dosli u jos jedan post, pokazacemo vam jedan vrlo jednostavan nacin na koji mozete da ukrasite sobu u praznicnom duhu!
Pored slika imace i objasnjenje odmah ispod!
_--_2 PARCETA Filca ili bilo kog drugog (cvrsceg materijala)
_--_Kanap, sablon u obliku srca i kruga,makaze i ukrasna traka(samolepljiva)
1. Uzeti salone i u tim oblicima iseci materijal.
2. Na krug zalepiti srce .
3.to sve zalepiti ukrasnom trakom i okaciti na zid !!!
Hi guys !!!
Welcome to another post, we'll show you a very simple way that you can decorate a room in holiday spirit!
There will be explanation next to the pictures.
_--_REQUIRED: 2 PIECES of felt or any other (stronger material),
_--_twine, a pattern in the shape of hearts and circles, decorative scissors and tape (adhesive).
1. Take patterns and cut material in these shapes.
2. Stick heart on the circle.
3. Add the tape and put it on the wall !!!
Hi guys !!!
Welcome to another post, we'll show you a very simple way that you can decorate a room in holiday spirit!
There will be explanation next to the pictures.
_--_REQUIRED: 2 PIECES of felt or any other (stronger material),
_--_twine, a pattern in the shape of hearts and circles, decorative scissors and tape (adhesive).
1. Take patterns and cut material in these shapes.
2. Stick heart on the circle.
3. Add the tape and put it on the wall !!!
понедељак, 8. фебруар 2016.
DIY Privezak i narukvica za dan zaljubljenih
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete da napravite privezak i narukvicu za dan zaljubljenih. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i da će te uspeti da ih napravite.
Potrebno: žica, vunica, lančić i zakavka.
A) Privezak
1. Žicu oblikujte u obliku srca.
2. Za jedan kraj srceta zavezite mali čvor.
3. A zatim obavijajte vunu oko srceta kako bi se sve popunilo.
4. Kada sve to zavrsite uzmite oko 2 do 3 cm lancica i zakacite ga sa strane a zatim na vrh lanca zakacite zakacku.
B) Narukvica
1. Uradite sve isto kao i kod priveska samo nemojte tako kaciti lanac .
2. I kada to uradite sa obe strane zakacite lanvic, a zatim zakavite zakacku.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can make earrings and a bracelet for Valentine's Day. We hope that you will like it and that you will be able to make them.
Requires: wire, wool, chain and .
A) Bracelet
1. Shape the wire in a form of a heart.
2. Tie a small knot on one end of the heart.
3. Then wrap the wool around the heart to make it all stuffed.
4. When you finish, take about 2 to 3 cm of chain and attach it to the side and then on attach a clip on the top of the chain.
B) Bracelet
1. Do all the same steps as in bracelet, only dont hook the chain like that.
2. And when you do that on both sides hook the chain, then hook the clip. If you liked this post be sure to comment and +1.
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete da napravite privezak i narukvicu za dan zaljubljenih. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i da će te uspeti da ih napravite.
Potrebno: žica, vunica, lančić i zakavka.
A) Privezak
1. Žicu oblikujte u obliku srca.
2. Za jedan kraj srceta zavezite mali čvor.
3. A zatim obavijajte vunu oko srceta kako bi se sve popunilo.
4. Kada sve to zavrsite uzmite oko 2 do 3 cm lancica i zakacite ga sa strane a zatim na vrh lanca zakacite zakacku.
B) Narukvica
1. Uradite sve isto kao i kod priveska samo nemojte tako kaciti lanac .
2. I kada to uradite sa obe strane zakacite lanvic, a zatim zakavite zakacku.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can make earrings and a bracelet for Valentine's Day. We hope that you will like it and that you will be able to make them.
Requires: wire, wool, chain and .
A) Bracelet
1. Shape the wire in a form of a heart.
2. Tie a small knot on one end of the heart.
3. Then wrap the wool around the heart to make it all stuffed.
4. When you finish, take about 2 to 3 cm of chain and attach it to the side and then on attach a clip on the top of the chain.
B) Bracelet
1. Do all the same steps as in bracelet, only dont hook the chain like that.
2. And when you do that on both sides hook the chain, then hook the clip. If you liked this post be sure to comment and +1.
петак, 5. фебруар 2016.
DIY Srce za dan zaljubljenih
Ćao ljudi!!!
U ovom postu videćete jednu diy ideeu za dan zaljubljenih (bice ih jos u narednim danima). Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i da će te uspeti da je napravite. U ovom postu neće biti videa ali će kao i uvek biti objašnjenje.
Potrebno: vruć lepak, neki materijal po mogucbosti crvene boje, marker za tekstil i vuna kojim se pune jastuci.
1. Material iseći u obliku srca.
2. Kada isecite dva srca zalepite ih veucim lepkom lice sa licem odnosno glavnu stranu na glavnom, ali ostavite mali deo otvoren.
3. Izvrnite srce kroz mali orvor koji ste ostavili tokom lepljenja.
4. Kada to uradite dobro ga napunite sa vunom (za punjenje jastuka).
5. Zatim zalepite (zatvorite) srce.
6. Ako zelite mozete i napisati nesto na tom srcetu I ♥ U ili šta god vi vec želite.
A ako nemate vruc lepak mozete srce i usiti kao i mi što sko uradili (ali je urednije sa vrucim lepkom).
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi Guys!
In this post you will see one diy idea for valentine's day (there will be more in next days). We hope that you will like it and that you will successfuly make it. In this post won't be any video but there will be an explanation. Necessary: hot glue, some material (if possible red) mark for tekstil and wool.
1. Material cut ih shape in heart.
2. When you cut two hearts glue main side with main side but leave a small part open.
3. Destort heart through small hole that you left while gluing.
4. When that is done fill it with wool (for pillow filling).
5. Than you glue (close) heart.
6. If you want you can write something on that heart I ♥ U or whatever you want.
If you don't have hot glue you can sew heart (as we did) but it's better to do it with hot glue.
If you liked this post make sure you leave comment and add +1.
U ovom postu videćete jednu diy ideeu za dan zaljubljenih (bice ih jos u narednim danima). Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i da će te uspeti da je napravite. U ovom postu neće biti videa ali će kao i uvek biti objašnjenje.
Potrebno: vruć lepak, neki materijal po mogucbosti crvene boje, marker za tekstil i vuna kojim se pune jastuci.
1. Material iseći u obliku srca.
2. Kada isecite dva srca zalepite ih veucim lepkom lice sa licem odnosno glavnu stranu na glavnom, ali ostavite mali deo otvoren.
3. Izvrnite srce kroz mali orvor koji ste ostavili tokom lepljenja.
4. Kada to uradite dobro ga napunite sa vunom (za punjenje jastuka).
5. Zatim zalepite (zatvorite) srce.
6. Ako zelite mozete i napisati nesto na tom srcetu I ♥ U ili šta god vi vec želite.
A ako nemate vruc lepak mozete srce i usiti kao i mi što sko uradili (ali je urednije sa vrucim lepkom).
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi Guys!
In this post you will see one diy idea for valentine's day (there will be more in next days). We hope that you will like it and that you will successfuly make it. In this post won't be any video but there will be an explanation. Necessary: hot glue, some material (if possible red) mark for tekstil and wool.
1. Material cut ih shape in heart.
2. When you cut two hearts glue main side with main side but leave a small part open.
3. Destort heart through small hole that you left while gluing.
4. When that is done fill it with wool (for pillow filling).
5. Than you glue (close) heart.
6. If you want you can write something on that heart I ♥ U or whatever you want.
If you don't have hot glue you can sew heart (as we did) but it's better to do it with hot glue.
If you liked this post make sure you leave comment and add +1.
среда, 3. фебруар 2016.
DIY Čupkavi podmetač i čupkavi deo stola
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete da napravite to jest da ukrasite podmetač i jedan deo stola. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i kao i u proslim postovima biće objašnjenje ispod teksta, a biće i kratakog videa kao i u prošla dva posta.
Potrebno: lepak, vunica ( bele i crne boje ) i jedan podmetač.
A) Podmetač
1. Obavite vunicu oko dva prsta 30X.
2. Kada je skinete sa prstiju vežite je na sredini.
3. Kada to završite dobićete oblik mašnice, a zatim isecite krajeve mašnica.
4. Trebate imati 8 belih i 8 crnih kuglica.
5. Kada ih napravite zalepite ih na podmetač redosledom kao sto je šahovska tabla.
B) Deo stola
1. Uradite sve isto kao i u prethodnoj ideei (uradite 1,2 i 3 korak).
2. Kada to zavrsite zalepite ih za sto kao što smo i mi.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte + 1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post, you will see how you can decorate the tray and one part of the table. We hope that you will like it and there will be explanation under the text and there will be a short video.
Requires: glue, wool (white and black) and one tray.
A) Tray
1. Wrap the wool around two fingers 30X.
2. When you remove it from fingers tie it in the middle.
3. When you finish you will get a form of bow, then cut the ends of the bow.
4. You need to have 8 white and 8 black balls.
5. When you glue them on a tray in order like a chessboard.
B) Part of the table
1. Do all the same as in the previous idea (do first, second and third step).
2. When you finish, glue them at the table as we did. If you liked this post be sure to comment and + 1.
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete da napravite to jest da ukrasite podmetač i jedan deo stola. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i kao i u proslim postovima biće objašnjenje ispod teksta, a biće i kratakog videa kao i u prošla dva posta.
Potrebno: lepak, vunica ( bele i crne boje ) i jedan podmetač.
A) Podmetač
1. Obavite vunicu oko dva prsta 30X.
2. Kada je skinete sa prstiju vežite je na sredini.
3. Kada to završite dobićete oblik mašnice, a zatim isecite krajeve mašnica.
4. Trebate imati 8 belih i 8 crnih kuglica.
5. Kada ih napravite zalepite ih na podmetač redosledom kao sto je šahovska tabla.
B) Deo stola
1. Uradite sve isto kao i u prethodnoj ideei (uradite 1,2 i 3 korak).
2. Kada to zavrsite zalepite ih za sto kao što smo i mi.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte + 1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post, you will see how you can decorate the tray and one part of the table. We hope that you will like it and there will be explanation under the text and there will be a short video.
Requires: glue, wool (white and black) and one tray.
A) Tray
1. Wrap the wool around two fingers 30X.
2. When you remove it from fingers tie it in the middle.
3. When you finish you will get a form of bow, then cut the ends of the bow.
4. You need to have 8 white and 8 black balls.
5. When you glue them on a tray in order like a chessboard.
B) Part of the table
1. Do all the same as in the previous idea (do first, second and third step).
2. When you finish, glue them at the table as we did. If you liked this post be sure to comment and + 1.
среда, 27. јануар 2016.
DIY Čaše
Ćao ljudi!!!
U ovom postu videćete kako možete na dva nacina da ukrasite čašu. Bice i kratakog videa tj. taj video ce sadrzati samo slike a ispod ovog teksta bice objasnjenje.
DIY Čaša 1
Potrebno: lepak, slova LOVE, čaša, markeri crvene i plave boje.
1. Na čašu zalepite slova.
2. Zatim preko slova a i na casu nacrtakte kratke crtice plave i crvene boje.
3. Kada to zavrsite prstom razmazite te dve boje i odlepite slova.
4. I na kraju je stavite u mikro talasnu ili relnu kako se marker nebi skidao tokom pranja.
DIY Čaša 2
Potrebno: čaša i crni marker.
1. Naizmenično nacrtajte crne tacke.
2. A zatim ih bovezite u obliku romba.
3. I na kraju je stavite u mikro talasnu ili relnu kako se marker nebi skidao tokom pranja.
Hi guys !!!
In this post you will see how you can decorate glass in two ways. There will be a short video, but that video has only pictures and below this text there will be an explanation.
DIY Glass 1
Requires: glue, letters for word LOVE, glass, markers: red and blue.
1. Stick letters on glass.
2. Put two colors over letters and on glass.
3. When you finish, smear with your finger two colors and peel the letters.
4. And finally put it in the microwave or in the oven, so the marker doesnt peel off when you wash it...
DIY Glass 2
Requires: A glass and a black marker.
1. Alternately, draw black dots.
2. And then connect it in a shape of diamond.
3. Finally put it in the microwave or in the oven, so the marker doesnt peel off when you wash it...
U ovom postu videćete kako možete na dva nacina da ukrasite čašu. Bice i kratakog videa tj. taj video ce sadrzati samo slike a ispod ovog teksta bice objasnjenje.
DIY Čaša 1
Potrebno: lepak, slova LOVE, čaša, markeri crvene i plave boje.
1. Na čašu zalepite slova.
2. Zatim preko slova a i na casu nacrtakte kratke crtice plave i crvene boje.
3. Kada to zavrsite prstom razmazite te dve boje i odlepite slova.
4. I na kraju je stavite u mikro talasnu ili relnu kako se marker nebi skidao tokom pranja.
DIY Čaša 2
Potrebno: čaša i crni marker.
1. Naizmenično nacrtajte crne tacke.
2. A zatim ih bovezite u obliku romba.
3. I na kraju je stavite u mikro talasnu ili relnu kako se marker nebi skidao tokom pranja.
Hi guys !!!
In this post you will see how you can decorate glass in two ways. There will be a short video, but that video has only pictures and below this text there will be an explanation.
DIY Glass 1
Requires: glue, letters for word LOVE, glass, markers: red and blue.
1. Stick letters on glass.
2. Put two colors over letters and on glass.
3. When you finish, smear with your finger two colors and peel the letters.
4. And finally put it in the microwave or in the oven, so the marker doesnt peel off when you wash it...
DIY Glass 2
Requires: A glass and a black marker.
1. Alternately, draw black dots.
2. And then connect it in a shape of diamond.
3. Finally put it in the microwave or in the oven, so the marker doesnt peel off when you wash it...
понедељак, 25. јануар 2016.
DIY Posuda za flomastere
Ćao ljudi!!!
U ovom postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite posudu za flomastere. Biće i kratkog videa, a i ovjasnjenje ispod teksta.
Izvinjavamo se što nemamo redovno stavljanje postova, ali uskoro će raspust tako da ćemo imati vise vremena za blog.
Potrebno: flomasteri (plavi i crveni), hamer (papir u boji), lepak, lenjir i plasticna kutica.
1. Papir iseći u odgovarajuće mere (u zavisnoati od velicine kutije).
2. Zatim na njemu nacrtajte naizmenicne crveno plave tačke.
3. Kada popunite ceo hamer (papir) zalepite ga za kuticu.
4 . I na kraju ubacite flomastere ili sta god vi zelite u posudu.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1, a ako vam se svideo i video subskrajbujte nas kanal i nastavite da nas pratite u daljem radu.
Hi Guys!!!
In this post you will see how you can easily decorate a container for pens. There will be a short video, and explanation below.
Sorry, we have no regularly posts, but soon we will have more time to blog.
Needed: markers (blue and red) , thick(colored paper), glue, ruler and plastic box.
1. Paper cut into appropriate measures (depend of the size of the box) .
2. Next , draw on it the alternating red blue dots .
3. When you complete the entire hammer (paper) glue it to incisor .
4.Finally put markers or whatever you want in the container.
If you liked this post be sure to comment and add a +1, and if you liked the video subscribe our's channel and continue to follow us in future work.
U ovom postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite posudu za flomastere. Biće i kratkog videa, a i ovjasnjenje ispod teksta.
Izvinjavamo se što nemamo redovno stavljanje postova, ali uskoro će raspust tako da ćemo imati vise vremena za blog.
Potrebno: flomasteri (plavi i crveni), hamer (papir u boji), lepak, lenjir i plasticna kutica.
1. Papir iseći u odgovarajuće mere (u zavisnoati od velicine kutije).
2. Zatim na njemu nacrtajte naizmenicne crveno plave tačke.
3. Kada popunite ceo hamer (papir) zalepite ga za kuticu.
4 . I na kraju ubacite flomastere ili sta god vi zelite u posudu.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1, a ako vam se svideo i video subskrajbujte nas kanal i nastavite da nas pratite u daljem radu.
Hi Guys!!!
In this post you will see how you can easily decorate a container for pens. There will be a short video, and explanation below.
Sorry, we have no regularly posts, but soon we will have more time to blog.
Needed: markers (blue and red) , thick(colored paper), glue, ruler and plastic box.
1. Paper cut into appropriate measures (depend of the size of the box) .
2. Next , draw on it the alternating red blue dots .
3. When you complete the entire hammer (paper) glue it to incisor .
4.Finally put markers or whatever you want in the container.
If you liked this post be sure to comment and add a +1, and if you liked the video subscribe our's channel and continue to follow us in future work.
недеља, 24. јануар 2016.
DIY Ukras za vrata
Ćao ljudi!!!
Pre svega želimo da vas obavestimo da smo izbacili video za maskice!!!
Pre svega želimo da vas obavestimo da smo izbacili video za maskice!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako da napravite zanimljiv ukras za vasa vrata od sobe.
Neće biti videa ali imaćete slike i opis kako napraviti ukras.
Zahvaljujemo se na svoj podrsci i nadamo se da ce vam se post svideti!!!
Google + - DIY M&I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M&I
Facebook - DIY for M&I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
Hi guys !!!
First of all we want to inform you that we posted a video for cases !!!
In today's post you will see how to create an interesting decoration for your bedroom door.
There will be no video, but you'll have photos and descriptions of how to make a decoration.
Thank you for your support and we hope that you will like this post !!!
Comment, ADD + 1 to this post.
Google+ - DIY M & I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M & I
Facebook - DIY for M & I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
Google + - DIY M&I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M&I
Facebook - DIY for M&I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
Hi guys !!!
First of all we want to inform you that we posted a video for cases !!!
In today's post you will see how to create an interesting decoration for your bedroom door.
There will be no video, but you'll have photos and descriptions of how to make a decoration.
Thank you for your support and we hope that you will like this post !!!
Comment, ADD + 1 to this post.
Google+ - DIY M & I
Instagram - diy_for_mi
YouTube - DIY M & I
Facebook - DIY for M & I
Twitter - diy_for_mi
среда, 20. јануар 2016.
DIY Ukrasavanje kutice za olovke
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite kuticu za olovke.
Potrebno: tempere(tamno i svetlo plava i žuta), sundjerčić, slika Deda Mraza i jelke, kutica za olovke i slova i zvezdice različitih veličina.
1. 1cm odozdo oboiti svjetlo plavo, a ostatak u tamno plavo.
2. A odmah zatim na to stavite sliku Deda Mraza i jelke.
3. Kada se to osuši pomoću papira u kome je oblik zvezde stavite na kuticu, a zatim je popunite sa žutom.
4. I to bi bilo to ali ako zelite da vam pise "Happy New Year" napravite takve papite i stavite na sredinu kutice i oboite ih u Belo.
Ako vam se svidja ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite kuticu za olovke.
Potrebno: tempere(tamno i svetlo plava i žuta), sundjerčić, slika Deda Mraza i jelke, kutica za olovke i slova i zvezdice različitih veličina.
1. 1cm odozdo oboiti svjetlo plavo, a ostatak u tamno plavo.
2. A odmah zatim na to stavite sliku Deda Mraza i jelke.
3. Kada se to osuši pomoću papira u kome je oblik zvezde stavite na kuticu, a zatim je popunite sa žutom.
4. I to bi bilo to ali ako zelite da vam pise "Happy New Year" napravite takve papite i stavite na sredinu kutice i oboite ih u Belo.
Ako vam se svidja ovaj post obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte +1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can easily decorate a holder for our pens.
Requires: acrylic paint (dark, light blue and yellow), foam-rubber, images of Santa Claus and Christmas tree, a holder for our pencils and letters and stars of different sizes.
1. 1cm from the end color inn light blue, and the rest in dark blue.
2. And then immediately on that put picture of Santa Claus and Christmas tree.
3. When it dries with paper(shape of a star) put on the holder, then fill it with yellow.
4. And that would be it, but if you want to write "Happy New Year" then put the paper on the middle of the holder and color it in white.
If you liked this post be sure to comment and add +1.
недеља, 17. јануар 2016.
DIY Stalci za selotejp trake
Ćao ljudi!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite jedan veliki stalak za selotejp traku i dva manja. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i izvinjavamo se što u proslom postu nismo stavili video (i ako smo rekli da će mo ga staviti) pošto smo imali malih problema.
Biće vam potrebno: stalak za selotejp traku, dva mala stalka za selotejp traku, tempere (plava, zelena, roza i bela), sundjercic, lepak za salvete, slika Deda Mraza i slika jelke i stikerse.
1. Zadnja strana stalka.
a) Oboite ga skroz u svetlo zelenu.
b) A zatim zalepite stikers na kome pise Sunny.
2. Leva strana stalka.
a) Oboite ga u svetlo plavu.
b) A zatim na željeno mesto zalepite sirenu, ribicu i dve zvezde.
3. Desna strana stalka.
a) 1 cm sa donje strane oboite belo, a ostatak plavo.
b) Lepkom za salvete zalepite sliku Deda Mraza i sliku jelke.
4. Prednja strana.
a) Odoitee je u zeleno ili svetlo zelenu.
2. Zalepite četiri cveta (stikers).
1. Roza selotejp traka
a) Obe strane oboiti u roze a zatim zalepite neki rozikavi stikers kao ukras.
Isto tako uradite i sa plavom selotejp trakom samo što će te je oboiti u plavo i zalepiti neki plavi stikers.
Nadamo se da vam se ovaj post svideti i ako jeste obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte + 1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can easily decorate a large rack for scotch tape and two smaller ones. We hope that you'll like it, and we apologize that in the last post we didnt put video (and we said that we will put it) after we had a little problem.
Required: rack for scotch tape, two smaller ones, acrylic paint (blue, green, pink and white), foam-rubber, glue for napkins, pictures of Santa Claus and Christmas tree and stikers.
1. The back of the stand.
a) Paint it in lightgreen.
b) Then stick sticker that says Sunny.
2. Left side of the stand.
a) Paint it in lightblue.
b) Then stick the mermaid, fish and two stars to the desired place.
3. Right side of the stand.
a) 1 cm from the bottom paint in white and the rest of it in blue.
b) Stick image of Santa Claus and picture od Christmas Tree with glue for napkins.
4. The front side.
a) Paint it in green or lightgreen.
b) Stick four flowers (stickers) .
1. Pink scotch tape
a) Both sides paint in pink and then stick some pink stickers as decoration.
The same way, do with blue scotch tape only C5E and paint in blue and stick some blue stickers.
We hope you liked this post. If so, be sure to leave a comment and add +1.
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite jedan veliki stalak za selotejp traku i dva manja. Nadamo se da će vam se svideti i izvinjavamo se što u proslom postu nismo stavili video (i ako smo rekli da će mo ga staviti) pošto smo imali malih problema.
Biće vam potrebno: stalak za selotejp traku, dva mala stalka za selotejp traku, tempere (plava, zelena, roza i bela), sundjercic, lepak za salvete, slika Deda Mraza i slika jelke i stikerse.
1. Zadnja strana stalka.
a) Oboite ga skroz u svetlo zelenu.
b) A zatim zalepite stikers na kome pise Sunny.
2. Leva strana stalka.
a) Oboite ga u svetlo plavu.
b) A zatim na željeno mesto zalepite sirenu, ribicu i dve zvezde.
3. Desna strana stalka.
a) 1 cm sa donje strane oboite belo, a ostatak plavo.
b) Lepkom za salvete zalepite sliku Deda Mraza i sliku jelke.
4. Prednja strana.
a) Odoitee je u zeleno ili svetlo zelenu.
2. Zalepite četiri cveta (stikers).
1. Roza selotejp traka
a) Obe strane oboiti u roze a zatim zalepite neki rozikavi stikers kao ukras.
Isto tako uradite i sa plavom selotejp trakom samo što će te je oboiti u plavo i zalepiti neki plavi stikers.
Nadamo se da vam se ovaj post svideti i ako jeste obavezno ga komentarišite i dodajte + 1.
Hi guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can easily decorate a large rack for scotch tape and two smaller ones. We hope that you'll like it, and we apologize that in the last post we didnt put video (and we said that we will put it) after we had a little problem.
Required: rack for scotch tape, two smaller ones, acrylic paint (blue, green, pink and white), foam-rubber, glue for napkins, pictures of Santa Claus and Christmas tree and stikers.
1. The back of the stand.
a) Paint it in lightgreen.
b) Then stick sticker that says Sunny.
2. Left side of the stand.
a) Paint it in lightblue.
b) Then stick the mermaid, fish and two stars to the desired place.
3. Right side of the stand.
a) 1 cm from the bottom paint in white and the rest of it in blue.
b) Stick image of Santa Claus and picture od Christmas Tree with glue for napkins.
4. The front side.
a) Paint it in green or lightgreen.
b) Stick four flowers (stickers) .
1. Pink scotch tape
a) Both sides paint in pink and then stick some pink stickers as decoration.
The same way, do with blue scotch tape only C5E and paint in blue and stick some blue stickers.
We hope you liked this post. If so, be sure to leave a comment and add +1.
четвртак, 14. јануар 2016.
DIY Maskice
Ćao ljudi!!!
Izvinjavamo se što već 5 dana nismo stavili nijedan post ali nadam se da vam to ne smeta. Zato smo za današnji post spremile 3 idee za ukrašavanje maskica za telefon. U ovom postu bice i video ali na tom videu nismo nista objasnjavale ali smo pokazale ubrzan nacin ukrasavanja a ispod ovog teksta ce biti i objasnjenje.
Potrebno: tempere (crvena, zelena, plava i bela), sundjercic, maskica za telefon, sablon.
1. Celu maskicu oboiti u crvenu boju.
2. Kada se osuši maskica stavie šablon slova na maskicu, a zatim oboite u belo.
3. Lada se to osuši preprskajte sa lakom u spreju.
I to bi bilo to, na veoma slican način se rade i ostale 2 maskice pogledaj te video i lajkujte ga, šerujte i komentarisite. Uskoeo ce vieo.
Izvinjavamo se što već 5 dana nismo stavili nijedan post ali nadam se da vam to ne smeta. Zato smo za današnji post spremile 3 idee za ukrašavanje maskica za telefon. U ovom postu bice i video ali na tom videu nismo nista objasnjavale ali smo pokazale ubrzan nacin ukrasavanja a ispod ovog teksta ce biti i objasnjenje.
Potrebno: tempere (crvena, zelena, plava i bela), sundjercic, maskica za telefon, sablon.
1. Celu maskicu oboiti u crvenu boju.
2. Kada se osuši maskica stavie šablon slova na maskicu, a zatim oboite u belo.
3. Lada se to osuši preprskajte sa lakom u spreju.
I to bi bilo to, na veoma slican način se rade i ostale 2 maskice pogledaj te video i lajkujte ga, šerujte i komentarisite. Uskoeo ce vieo.
Hi guys !!!
Sorry, we haven't post anything for 5 days but we hope you don't mind. Therefore, for today's post we have 3 ideas to decorate cases for phone. In this post you will also see a video, but we have not explained but we showed a way of decorating and below this text will be the explanation.
Requires: acrylic paint (red, green, blue and white), foam-rubber, cases for phone, pattern.
1. Color whole case in red.
2. When the case dries, put a pattern of letter on case, then color it in white.
3. When it dries spray it with the spray.
And that would be it, in a very similar way the other cases are made.Check out the video, like it, share and comment.Video will come soon.
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