среда, 4. новембар 2015.

DIY Ideja kako uresiti sveske

Ćao svima!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete na lak način da ukrasite i obeležite vaše sveske.
Nadako se da vam nesmeta što ni u ovom postu ni u sledecen nece biti videa, ali nadamo se da ćete se snaći sa uputstviam (ispod).
1.Ištampati raspored časova i nalepnicu.
2.Iseći raspored  i nalepnicu.
3.Zalepiti nalepnicu na željeno mesto.
4.Iseći, a zatim zalepiti raspored na željeno mesto.
5.Okolo rasporeda i nalepnice zalepiti ukrasni selotejp kao ukras.

Hi guys!!!
In today's post you'll see how you can in easy way decorate and label your notebooks.We hope that you do not mind that we dont have a video in this post and we wont have it in the next one, but we hope that you can handle with instructions(below).
1.Print class schedule and label.
2.Cut schedule and label
3.Stick label to the place you want it to be.
4.Cut, then glue the schedule to the place you want it to be.
5.Around the schedule
and label stick washy tape as decorative ornament.

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