недеља, 8. новембар 2015.

DIY Narukvica

Ćao svima!!!
U današnjem postu videćete kako možete da napravite naruakvicu.
1.Zalepiti tri trake.
2. Prebaciti levu traku preko srednje a zatim ispod desne.
3.Tu desnu traku provući ispod X.
4.Zatim povući oba kraka do kraja.
5.Posle toga desni krak prebacizi preko stednjeg, a zatim ispod levog kraka
6.Ispod X.
7.Pobuci do kraja.
8.I tako ici (2-3-4-5, 2-3-4-5...)do odredjene velicine narukvice.
9.Odseci leve i desne krake na početku i ma kraju narukvice.
10.Srednje krake spoiti i tu naprabiti mali deo narukvice, a zatim te desne i leve krake odseći.
11.Napraviti male čvorove na srednjim kracima .

Hi, guys !!!
In today's post you will see how you can make bracelet.
1.Stick three lanes.
2.Transfer the left lane over the middle and then under the right one.
3.That right lane slide under X.
4.Then pull both arms to finish.
5.After that transfer right arm over middle one, then under the left arm.
6.Under X.
7.Drag to the end.
8.Continue doing that (2-3-4-5, 2-3-4-5 ...) up to a certain size of the bracelet.
9.Cut left and right flaps in the beginning and end of the bracelets.
10.Connect middle chops and make there small part of the bracelet, and then cut off the right and left arms.
11.Make small nodes on the middle branches.

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